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"Imagine a car so narrow that two can drive next to each other in one lane; a car so small and short that three can park in one parking space."

"Now imagine that the car is built in a shed from glass fibre, recycled plastic bottles and hollow steel tubes, using just a fifth of the material required to build a conventional car."

Category: Transport


Smart cars to mean safer driving

"Cars could soon be ringing the emergency services themselves if they are involved in a crash."

Category: Transport


Time to close the global energy gap

"It is time to close the global energy gap, say Carlos Slim and Kandeh K Yumkella. In this week's Green Room, they explain how universal access to modern energy sources can help make progress towards a number of Millennium...

Category: Energy sources


How rare is our blue planet?

"Earth is located in the habitable zone of the Sun, an orbit that permits liquid water to exist. Astronomers hope to find planets similar to the Earth in the habitable zones of other stars as part of their search for places where...

Category: Space


Nasa tests robot hardware for planet missions

"Nasa is testing the next generation of human spaceflight technology in the deserts of Arizona, US."

Category: Space, Robotics

Displaying results 561 to 565 out of 2977